Did you know that awesome 3-in-1 social plugin, WP Social Ninja, has just reached 5,000 active installations? WP Social Ninja is a WordPress plugin that fetches your social feeds, reviews, and chats to WordPress websites. From 1 June 2022, WP Manage Ninja will be discontinuing the sale of Lifetime licenses for this plugin and raising the price. But before then, you have a … [Read more...]
Divi – is it worth to buy it?
Do you know Divi? With its help, you can make an advanced website on WordPress. Divi is both a Theme and Visual Page Builder, and was created by Elegant Themes. It is available as an annual and lifetime license.Divi was created quite a long time ago, but in the last few years it has gained immense popularity. It's fairly easy to use (even for beginners), and has a lot of … [Read more...]
Tesla Themes is now WPRealEstate
Do you remember Tesla Themes? This is a set of WordPress templates that I have already written about in my Advertangle posts. Tesla Themes offered a really large set of templates of various themes, styles and colors. All of this was offered as a subscription (annual fee) or a slightly more expensive lifetime solution. What happened? Well, Tesla Themes has completely … [Read more...]
Black Friday Deals
Black Friday? What is it all about? We all have heard about Black Friday at least once. This day is claimed to be the selling peak of the year. It is a true festival for shopping lovers. What about digital marketers and IT geeks? Is there something special for them to find on this day? … [Read more...]
End of Vidnami
Sad news has arrived for all Vidnami users. The end of this platform for creating marketing video content has just been announced. It is really great software that allowed to generate great results. I was a user of it myself and I have already written about it several times in Advertangle. What happened? There was published quite a laconic announcement entitled … [Read more...]