Hello World,
Isn't a blog the best forum to share your daily dose of weird experiences? Could it be a way to reveal your true point of view, your own opinion and sympathies? Is it possible to disclosure the coolest hints ever and reveal some useful advices?
Indeed, a blog can be all of these and this one will be.
Advertangle was founded as a place to share thoughts about digital marketing in general. Advertangle is going to be all about marketing via web and everything that is connected with it or can be use for it.
If you are searching for information about some great deals on the market, the finest wordpress plugins, the easiest free graphic tools, what SEO exactly is and how to use it to improve your content – this blog might be an answer (and I hope it will be).
Let's talk about Internet, media, marketing, public relations, branding, SEO, SEM, content marketing, social media, copywritng, storytelling, design, UX Design, webusability, new technologies…and our view on advertising.
Leave your comments, feel free to share your thoughts. It will be appreciated.
Welcome 🙂
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